Introducing Yoga for Children. Inspiring Kids for life.

click here to find out details about yoga programmes for schools

‘INSPIRED KIDS’ is a specially designed Yoga programme for school children.

These interactive Yoga classes, help children cope with the ever increasing demands and stresses of school life and exams.  The aim is to get them up and moving, feeling not thinking, being and experiencing before returning to their school work focused, calm and steady.

With this holistic approach to mental and emotional wellbeing, these  Yoga classes will include movement, dance, song, partner work, games, relaxation and simple mindfulness and meditation techniques ~ a wonderful compliment to their existing education.


“Developing the whole child”

  • respect for self and others
  • creativity and confidence
  • stress awareness and self control
  • building resilience and grit
  • mental and emotional well being
  • concentration and focus
  • physical awareness and self enquiry
  • flexibilty and open mindedness to ‘let go and flow’


Would you like to chat about possibilities for your school? – get in contact today!